If you use fabricated oven of any kind to bake bread (which I highly recommend as long as it's galvanized padded oven), you will need to hang oven thermometer inside the oven.
There are reasons baked bread collapse inside the oven and also once you bring it out. Temperature is the issue.
The first 15 minutes of your bread baking is crucial and very important. It's called oven spring. That's when your yeast acts and your dough rises to fill your pan. After fifteen to twenty minutes, your bread will stop rising as yeast is killed in the rising bread dough. The rest time is cooking.
You need to place your oven thermometer to read the temperature of your oven as you bake. Very compulsory to achieve good bread output.
You see it rising and once oven is 180 celcius, you will need to tune down your oven heat. This is why you need thermometer to monitor your oven temperature. And you need a good oven and oven regulator.
When there is too little heat, your bread won't bake well, it will come out saggy, uncooked and wobbling. Too much heat and your bread won't rise or have the right volume, could burn and and feel dry in texture.
You must master the art and science of oven temperature regulation.
Do not open oven for the first 20 minutes of baking during the oven spring. This is because opening oven will alter the temperature of oven and will result in bread being baked collapsing to center, especially your butter bread.
Finally let me state this: Not all oven is for bread and this could be one reason you are having issues with your bread coming out wrongly.
Galvanized padded Ovens are quality ovens made with galvanized padded materials. They are for bread and pastries. They bake bread because bread flour is hard flour made from hard wheat.
Soft flour is used for pastries and cake and any oven, most of which people buy cheaply can bake cake. Soft flour is made from soft wheat.
Also never bake bread without adding industrial ingredients as this is what makes it commercial.
This is me Chef Henry Omenogor, The Go-to Expert in Bread Baking and Science.