How to mix and mill your bread dough the right way

Most people who are new to bread baking wonder how bread is made. Bread is basically made from flour and combination of other Ingredients like water, salt, yeast and sugar

However, milling of bread must be done rightly to get the right results. There is the right and wrong method. People who just jump into it without learning it make lots of mistakes. Mixing and milling bread dough is a science.

You can mix and mill in three ways: Hand Kneading, Fabricated Milling with mixer, and Spiral Mixer Mixing.

The primary reason for mixing and milling bread dough is to bring out the gluten in your flour to give your dough structure that will enable it rise and get ready to become bread when baked in the Oven.

How to knead by hand: You knead and allow for double rising before baking.

Fabricated Mixing and Milling: You first mix in the dough hook, transfer to Milling Machine and mill till dough is degassed.

Spiral Mixer Method: You mix on slow speed and then fast speed to get a smooth dough ready to rise and bake.

Note: Most people don't make the right quantity of bread and so don't make profit b cause they do not understand the right bread recipe. 

How to achieve the above:

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